
Here (russmurray.com), I write about photographs from my work and wanderings, document how-where-when-why each image was made or captured, and speculate about unspoken thoughts of my subjects.

On haikumages, I’ve written and published more than 600 original, short-form poems paired with my photographs since 2011. The poems generally resemble traditional Japanese haiku and senryu forms, but I usually take lots of artistic license, bending and breaking the rules. It started when posting captions to my photographs, and people pointed out they were essentially short poems…

On russellemurray.com, I post personal commentary, non-photography-related observations, musings, ideas, reactions, and rants, along with a few puns (the lowest form of humor).

On George Murray, Poet, I maintain a blog in honor and loving memory of my late father — the main source of my inspiration — because the world deserves to enjoy his words too.

// russ murray

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