Coconut Bowls & Shadows

I love these brightly painted (purportedly food-safe) coconut bowls from Indonesia. The know-it-all man at the estate sale where I bought them said they had been lovingly collected by an opera diva on one of her many trips to Asia. They sit on a table in the living room that only gets sunlight in late afternoon, but not in the wintertime. It’s a three-season, spring-summer-fall thing, which was in full effect when I walked in today! The bowls, their colors, and shadows were glowing in the warm-hued, late afternoon sunlight. First, the Polaroids:

Camera: Polaroid SLR 680SE (vintage)
Film: Polaroid 600 Color instant film (new)
Photographer: Russ Murray (vintage) 
Location: Stamford, Connecticut

But of course, while the Polaroids were developing (approximately 30 minutes with the Polaroid chemistry these days), I took a shot on my iPhone. Next, I went a little crazy editing the digital shot using the Hipstamatic app… Here are my favorite edits:

Camera: iPhone 11pro
Editing: Hipstamatic app
Photographer: Russ Murray aka “remages
Location: Somewhere in Stamford, CT

See you tomorrow… 

// russ murray

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